- /GIS/Petition Ditches/Kempke (Schott)/

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2/12/2019 9:26 AM 22215 Kempke (Schott) Assessment List 38.pdf
2/12/2019 9:36 AM 362870 Kempke (Schott) Drainage Map.pdf
8/27/2019 9:01 AM 803758 Kempke (Schott) Drainage Map.tiff
8/27/2019 8:55 AM 533729 Kempke (schott) Finding for the Project.pdf
2/12/2019 9:30 AM 24559 Kempke (Schott) Inspection Report.pdf
4/3/2019 10:04 AM 133825 Kempke (Schott) Notice of Filing.pdf
8/27/2019 9:00 AM 336672 Kempke (Schott) Petition.pdf
12/22/2014 11:31 AM 1960676 Kempke (Schott) Plans 2014.pdf